
Sweetbay     (Swamp Magnolia, White Bay)

Magnolia virginiana L.

Mature Size: Typically 20 to 30 feet in height but may reach 60 feet in height, 1 foot in diameter

Form: Small tree with a rounded, narrow crown. 

Where to Find Them: Swamp edges and other low, wet areas

Leaves: Alternate, simple, oblong, 4 to 6 inches long, blunt-pointed, smooth-edged, shiny bright green above and pale or whitish below, releasing a pleasant, spicy odor when crushed.

Fruit: 2-inch-long cone-like cluster, pink ripening to dark reddish-brown, with bright red seeds.

Wildlife Use: The foliage and twigs are a favorite browse for deer, and the seeds are eaten by birds and small mammals. Generally speaking wildlife use of sweet bay is low.

 Bark:  Smooth, reddish-brown to gray, often mottled.

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Rappahannock Wildlife Refuge Friends

P.O. Box 1565
Warsaw, VA  22572-1565