
Flowering Dogwood     Cornus florida L.

Mature Size: Commonly 20 to 30 feet tall, 6 to 8 inches in


Form: Small tree with spreading, uplifted branches.

Where to Find Them: Hardwood forest understories, on a variety of soils 


Leaves: Opposite, simple, 3 to 5 inches long, edges smooth or wavy, with veins curving to run parallel to the leaf edges

Fruit: Oval, shiny, bright red, berry-like, and in tight clusters; ripening in October 

Wildlife Uses: Although the fruits are poisonous if eaten by humans, more than 35 species of birds and many large and small mammals are known to eat them. Deer and rabbits browse the foliage and twigs.

Bark:  grayish-brown, dividing into small scaly blocks.

PSSST…. did you know that the dogwood is the Vitginia state tree?

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P.O. Box 1565
Warsaw, VA  22572-1565